Hi everybody!
Here are our three Drabble strips for today. (You may wonder, why did I spell out “three” instead of just using the number 3? Because those were the instructions from my syndicate editor for my comic strip back in 1979. Spell out numbers 1-10. For numbers above, just use the numbers. I never understood that rule. Number eleven is much funnier when written out than just using 11. But I digress…)
December 5, 1979
December 5, 1985
December 5, 2002
Here’s another memory from my studio drawer. It’s a visual from a TV special that aired on CBS back around 1981. “The Fabulous Funnies.” They highlighted characters from different decades. It was hosted by Loni Anderson and animated by the great Bill Melendez. (More about him on Wednesday.) Norman didn’t do much in the special, He was just in the background singing with with the other characters. It was amazing to see him animated on TV. I didn’t even know about the project until a few days before it aired. (The syndicate owned everything back then.)
Thanks for reading. Have a great week!
Here's the link to the YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnZodlc0UyE
I remember sending you a copy of that special years back! Seeing all those characters animated was fun.
Yeah, the "spell out one-to-ten" rule seems to be ubiquitous, not just in comics. Sometimes I prefer just using 1-10 if it means taking up less space in dialogue balloons, but I digress.